Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Unexpected Day Off

I woke up to a fun surprise on Monday morning - that our building was unable to have school. The day off was due to a potent odor left behind by workers who were fixing floor problems over the weekend. The girls & I thoroughly enjoyed our lazy day, and got to spend some time in the snow.

Emma did not like getting snow in her face. She tried to wipe it off, but failed to realize it only made it worse since her mittens were covered with snow.

Lauren has been begging to make snow angels since the first little dusting of snow we had this season. It was finally deep enough and pleasant enough outside for her to do that.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas with the Cousins

We celebrated Christmas on Saturday with the Hofer cousins. The girls were very excited with the new toys they gave and received. We didn't get Joey in the pictures because he was sledding with friends.

Saturday evening, Grandpa John and Grandma Peggy took the grandkids (and Jared & I) to Chuck E Cheese for supper and games. Excuse me, Lauren corrected me several times that it is actually pronounced Chuck E Cheese's. This was Lauren & Emma's first trip to Chuck E Cheese's, and they had a lot of fun.

Sunday School Christmas Program

The girls' Christmas program was a couple of Sundays ago. Our camera didn't zoom well enough to get any pictures of them performing, but we took quite a few of them dressed up in their holiday finest.

Emma has not been ready to make the transition to the 2 and 3 year old class, so she did a repeat performance of kissing baby Jesus, and singing "Pat the Bible." Lauren's preschool class sang "Away in a Manger" and "Twinkle, Twinkle, Christmas Star."

Lauren walking up to the stage with her class.

A Sleepover

We had a family sleepover in the living room to enjoy the Christmas tree all night. The girls (namely Emma) took a while to fall asleep, but we had a fun time.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Holidays...

Emma reading her "Prudence" book on the potty.
Lauren helping her cousin Josiah accesorize.
Emma finding a tub more comfy than the chair at Grandmas.
Yee Haaaah...
Emma and Lauren helped decorate for Christmas.
Making Christmas Cookies.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Lauren!

Lauren had lots of fun celebrating her 4th birthday. She started out by opening presents from Dad, Mom, and Emma.

This is how Lauren's princess cake turned out. Jared mentioned that the hat made her look like a wizard, but other than that, it turned out pretty well!

We celebrated with Grandma Peggy, Uncle Brandon, Aunt Kim, Grandpa Tony, Joey, Taylor, and Kara on Saturday.

We celebrated with Grandpa Leland, Grandma Diana, Uncle Tim, Aunt Heidi, and Aunt Megan on Sunday.

Big News!!

We told Lauren and Emma last Thursday that they will become big sisters on June 1st. We recorded their reaction (Stacey is the one holding the camera):

This is a picture of the ultrasound from our first appointment (11 weeks). Not the best quality, but since we don't have a scanner, we just made do!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!!