Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer Vacation 2010: Day 1

Day 1:
On Sunday, July 11, 2010 we departed Mitchell with our camper in tow. We detoured off the interstate to take the Scenic Badland’s Loop. Shortly into the loop it started raining, so we were not able to get out for many photo ops. From there we were off to to the World Famous Wall Drug to meet Stacey’s friend LaCosta and her family. Lauren and Emma enjoyed running around with her little girl Lilly while Stacey and LaCosta caught up.

Back in the truck again, we were off to Rapid City. As it was still raining, we killed some time when we got to Rapid and stopped for some supplies at Walmart and a fancy supper at McDonalds. When we got to the campground, we were able to get the camper set up quite efficiently and had a great night with the girls going to bed without much fuss (with a little help from the tv and dvd player).

Dad and his girls at the Badlands.

Mom, Dad, and Emma (picture taken by Lauren).

Mom and the girls.

Emma and her friend Lilly at Wall Drug.

Emma hiding out in a tee-pee.

Our first Mt. Rushmore picture, but it was at Wall Drug.

The girls with their picture on the mythical South Dakota Creature, the Jackalope.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pix! Thanks for sharing. Glad the Jackalope made it in.
