My cousin, Brianna volunteered to take Lauren into the big pool. Lauren loved it!

Emma took many oppoturnities to "hold him." We heard that many times.

We went for a wagon ride on Wednesday evening. It was a beautiful night with plenty of wind to keep the dreaded mosiquitoes away.

Josiah was sleeping before we even left, and he slept through the whole ride.

Josiah lounging in his jammies. He even gave us a little Elvis lip.

The girls helping Aunt Robin get Josiah dressed.

On Thursday night we all headed to Grandpa John and Grandma Peggy's house for our next part of the weekend. Jared's grandma Fannie flew in to visit. We were sad to realize we had taken only one picture. On Friday we spent time with Grandpa Tony and the Hofer relatives. Jared golfed on Saturday morning in the annual Hofer invite. We had a very nice visit, and are just sorry we didn't take more pictures.
This was when Grandma Fannie was helping Emma put Dora bandaids on her owies (imaginary).

On Sunday we headed back to see Josiah and family. Emma got some playtime in with Josiah.

Aunt Megan showing the girls how to use snaps.

The Barbie closet was revealed to Lauren and Emma for the first time. My sisters and I had quite a collection of Barbies and accessories which Mom kept in this closet. There are a lot of little things, so Mom wanted to make sure the girls were old enough. I should have a picture of the reactions of Robin, Megan and myself. We were by far more excited than the girls.

On Sunday we headed back to see Josiah and family. Emma got some playtime in with Josiah.

Aunt Megan showing the girls how to use snaps.

The Barbie closet was revealed to Lauren and Emma for the first time. My sisters and I had quite a collection of Barbies and accessories which Mom kept in this closet. There are a lot of little things, so Mom wanted to make sure the girls were old enough. I should have a picture of the reactions of Robin, Megan and myself. We were by far more excited than the girls.
What wonderful pictures and great times spent together. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteIn the video it looks like Emma is doing some zumba moves. Has she secretly been doing zumba?