Day 2:
On Monday morning we were up with the sunshine with Lauren crawling in with us on our side of the camper. We were able to stave her off for a while before she decided she was hungry, then we made enough noise that Emma was up too. We had a nice breakfast outside the camper of pancakes, juice, and coffee. After we showered up, we were off for the day to our first destination which was Dinosaur Park. This was especially fun for Stacey and I as we had many childhood trips to the DP. After climbing to the top and enjoying the great view of Rapid City we had a few photo ops with the giant concrete creatures.
Next we were off to Storybook Island. We got to walk around the park and see all of the different scenes from various fairy tales. The girls were able to ride a train around the park. Lauren’s favorite was the statue of Ariel from The Little Mermaid; however, she was quite observant to notice that her hair was not the right color red (which I am assuming to avoid Copyright laws from Walt Disney), she wanted to go back later in the day to see if they painted it the right color yet. Emma’s favorite was to see, and hug the statue of Barney. They must have enjoyed it as they have already asked to go back.
After the Island, we were back to the campground for lunch and naps. Emma fell asleep on the way which was just fine with us. After a hot dog and watching Snow White, Lauren was out too. We could see the sky clouding up and getting quite dark, so we battened down the hatches, and with good reason as it quickly began to rain, and rain, and hail and HAIL! It hailed very hard for about 20 minutes and when it was over, the ground was mostly white and we had two awake little girls.
After we re-grouped, we headed for Mount Rushmore or Rount Mushmore according to a Silly three year old. We were able to get a few nice pictures from the top and then made the mistake of taking the trail down and around. Our first mistake was that we had 2 strollers and that there were approx 300 stairs down and 300 back up. Our 2nd mistake was to have a very tired, and head-strong 1 year old. When we put her down, she wanted up, when she was up, she wanted down. When she was in the stroller, she wanted to push the stroller. Needless to say, we were glad to make it back to the truck and I think most of the Asian tourists who saw her tantrums were too.
From here we left and took the drive past Crazy Horse monument and through Hill City. We then headed back to camp and into Rapid for supper and supplies. We ate at one of Stacey’s favorite restaurants in Rapid, Sanford’s Grub and Pub. The girls were good, ate their “roni” and teamed up with another little girl from a neighboring table to keep most of our section entertained with their dancing skills. After supper it was back to camp for swinging, sliding and campfire. We had marshmallows, s’mores, and the sticky fingers that accompany them. After a shower, we had another good bed time with the help of uncle Barney.
Emma, having some "creative" time to start her day.

Lauren enjoying her time in the camper.

Who's foot is bigger?
What a good looking family!

Emma peaking her head out of a house at Storybook Island.

Mom and Dad in Pooh's tree house (photograph by Lauren).

It's Ariel, but something isn't quite right!

Emma was able to help Mom and Dad out when we got tired.

Lauren at Snow White's house, she was able to point out that Doc was missing his glasses, in fact he was.

Train at Storybook Island.

Hail Storm!