Monday, March 9, 2009

Lauren had a big moment on Sunday when we got home from church. As we were walking in the door she grabbed a crayon and was pretending to write on the wall, she spelled out loud what she was writing...L - A - U - R - E - N...LAUREN! Stacey and I stood in awe. Naturally she would not do again once we got the video camera out. Later on in the day, she walked into the room and said: "what's up mommy".


  1. First I teared up a little and then I just kept laughing out loud... I loved the biking (or triking as the case was) and the great statement, "It's broken." SO funny! Also, I had to watch the waking up video multiple times because it was hysterical. If you get a chance I would love copies of the girls' photos sitting next to each other with their Nashville shirts. Those will look sweet in the frame in the hallway. :-) Love you all!

  2. I love Lauren's bike helmet. I'm glad your teaching her safety first. :) I agree with Tammy, the "it's broken" statement was hilarious! I think that's how uncle Neal feels about his bike when he's trying to ride up hills. :) I also enjoyed the waking up video. Lauren didn't seem to excited to have a video camera on her as she was waking up.
    Love you!
