MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Hofers!!
Callie decided she needed to prepare for the holiday by learning how to crawl. I had put her in the living room the other day and found her crawling after me via the shortest path (through the dining room furniture).

Christmas with the Hofer cousins.

On Tuesday morning, I was finishing getting ready and heard Callie starting to fuss in her crib as she was waking up. Lauren asked if she could go check on her, and I agreed hoping to get a few more minutes to finish what I was doing. When I went to get Callie I found this:

Lauren taught Callie how to stand up in her crib, and Callie is quite proud of herself! We'll be lowering her mattress tonight!

Emma got a Little People Nativity set from Grandpa and Grandma Buseman. The girls have been very interested in the story of the Nativity this year. I had bought the Nativity Story movie 2 weeks ago, and was amazed at how much they loved it. We've watched it numerous times, and the girls have been acting out the story. Lauren plays Mary and Emma acts as Elizabeth. The other night I called them to the supper table. I repeated Emma's name with no answer. She finally told me that she was not Emma, she was Elizabeth. So, I called Elizabeth to supper. Emma's response, "What about John?"
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