The last week of May gave us lots of opportunities to be outside.
It was the perfect start to summer.

We have started driving into town so that we can walk/ride bikes on the Dakota Weslyan campus. The sidewalks are nice and wide, and the girls love the fountains. Lauren asks, "Can we go to South Dakota Weslyan?"

Enjoying the little fountain.

Emma rehydrating.
Lauren heading toward the big fountain. It had not been working for a few days, so Lauren was ecstactic to see that it was going. She said, "They fixed the batteries!"

Enjoying popsicles outside.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we travelled to Pierre to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa Hansen's 60th anniversary. We somehow did not take any pictures, so you can look at Tim & Heidi's blog to catch what happened.

Enjoying popsicles outside.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we travelled to Pierre to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa Hansen's 60th anniversary. We somehow did not take any pictures, so you can look at Tim & Heidi's blog to catch what happened.
On Monday a bunch of Jared's family came over for a cook-out.
I only have a few pictures of the kids.
Emma relaxing with big cousin Taylor.
fun times!