Monday, April 20, 2009

Birthdays and Baseball...

This weekend we went to Minneapolis to suprise my grandma Marge and help her celebrate 80th birthday. Judy, Gary, Rose, Ivan, and Katie all went to the cities with her on Friday and over the course of the weekend Chance, Annie, Oliver, John, Melissa, Casey, Riley, Jerry, Laura, Brandon, Kim, Joey, my Dad, Bob, and our family all showed up to suprise her. After taking the girls swimming on Saturday morning, we went to the Mall of America. After that, we took the train to the game at the Metrodome where the Twins played, and beat the Los Angeles Angels of Aneheim.

Our family at the game. Lauren wearing the tiny Twins helmet from our sundae.
The birthday girl (a few days early) with the girls at the game. Happy 80th Birthday Grandma!

Emma sitting with her grandpa Tony at the game.
Outside the "dome" before the game.
Our trip on the light rail from the Mall to the Metrodome.
The girls with their serious shopping faces at the Mall of America.
On Sunday we drove home and stopped in Sioux Falls to see Stacey's sister Tammy who was in town for a conference. We went with her, Tim, Megan, Grandpa Lele, and Grandma Nanna to the Pizza Ranch.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Swimming Fun!

While at the motel this weekend, our girls got their first chance to swim together. They were both well dressed with their new swimming suits and cover-ups from Grandma Fannie. This was Emma's first time in the pool, and it is pretty neat because Lauren was exactly the same age as Emma, a little over 7 months when she got to enjoy her first swimming experience 2 years ago. Just like her big sister, Emma loves the water. Lauren is getting more and more comfortable in the water and likes to be thrown up in the air and dive in from the edge, as long as Daddy is there to catch her. All of us had lots of fun.

Spring has finally come...We Hope!

After way too many spring blizzards, it finally got nice this week. We had a few opportunities to get out side and go for walk and just to play outside.
Lauren trying to subtly hint to her dad that she wants a sandbox. Not having one was good for us as Lauren worked on filling some low spots in the driveway.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter everybody, the Lord has risen! We had Aunt Megan stay at our house last night, so we had a fun morning with Orange Julius, cinnamon rolls, fresh ground coffee and dressing our pretty little girls. They had matching dresses and of course looked good. I had my inaugural ushering experience today at church. Uncle Tim and Aunt Heidi also came with us to church and stayed for lunch. After lunch we all laid around full and tired.

Emma was tuckered out after lunch.
When given the opportunity to change out of her Easter dress, she naturally opted for her new swimsuit rather than putting on sweats. Luckily she can pull it off!
Lauren's new baseball glove from Aunt Megan.

Emma snuck a few bites of whipped cream, I think her mom was able to tell.

Easter in Huron

On Friday night, we headed up to weekend to celebrate Easter with my family. Brandon, Kim, and the kids were up as well.

Kara, Taylor, and Lauren anxiously awaiting the outdoor Easter Egg Hunt.

Lauren hunting down those pesky eggs.

All of the kids basking in their findings.

Emma and Cousin Joey.

Dying Easter Eggs at Grandma Peggy's house.

Swimsuits, frisbees, and Shoppinko...

This week, we got a nice suprise package in the mail from Great-Grandma Fannie. For Easter presents, she sent both of the girls new swimming suits, cover-ups, and beach towels for the summer. Within minutes of opeing the package, Lauren of course was wearing her new swimming suit around the house.

Stacey brought a collapsable frisbee home from school and Emma got quite a kick out of watching the frisbee fly around the room. And even more of a kick out of folding it up and letting it pop out. Then Lauren graces us with her rendition of the ABC's.

This video is a shoutout from Lauren to her aunt Megan as her favorite store as a kid was "shoppingko".

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hannah Montana Movie Day!

Today I took my niece Taylor to the new Hanna Montana Movie. When asked what her favorite part was, she said "all of it."

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Baseball, Snow, and Birthdays...

Today was the the aftermath of yesterday's blizzard. Our normal 8:30 church service was cancelled because of the snow, so we had to go at 11:00. This afternoon we had company, Grandpa Tony, Uncle Brandon, Aunt Kim, Joey, Taylor, and Kara came to help celebrate Grandpa Tony's birthday. Everyone was excited to see the girls.

Emma is excited that baseball season is back...tomorrow is opening day...go Twins!

Despite having company over, Emma still had to put in her two hours of piano practice. Lauren and her cousins got to play outside in the snow.

Lauren, Joey, Taylor, and Kara helping Grandpa Tony with his birthday candles.
Grandpa and all 5 of his grandkids.

Springtime in South Dakota...

4/4/09 - Another April Blizzard

It is the first week of April, but we got our 2nd blizzard in a week. It was nice that it came on a Saturday, because after our weekly Walmart run, we could just stay home all day. It rain/snowed all day, and really started blowing and accumulating in the late afternoon.
Tonight, Lauren and Emma got to take their first bath in the kitchen sink together. Both of them enjoyed it, and felt spa-esque with the snow and blizzard in the background.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Emma's 7 months old today!

It is hard to believe that our baby is 7 months old already. She has begun pulling herself up on things and is getting closer and closer to crawling.

Emma on her "birth" day. - Sept 2, 2008

Lauren decided to have some nice quite time in Mom and Dad's bed with just her and some books.